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World Arthritis Day

World Arthritis day is observed on the 12th of October every year since 1996.
On this day organisations and communities help raise awareness and encourage early diagnosis. Arthritis is the number-one cause of premature retirement. The European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) is the organisation which represents the people with arthritis/rheumatism. Arthritis day has been celebrated by EULAR since 1947, the EULAR Campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of early diagnosis in preventing further damage to those living with RMDs, and to encourage timely access to evidence-based treatment.

Objectives of World Arthritis day

  • Raising awareness about rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases.
  • Encourage medical policy makers to ease out their policies my making them understand the burden of arthritis.
  • Provide a network for arthritis patients and care takers and many other activities and promotional events.