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World Breastfeeding Week

World Breastfeeding week is held every year from August 1st to August 7th in more than 120 countries. World Breastfeeding week was initially celebrated in 1992 by World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action. Breastfeeding week is organised and promoted worldwide by the WABA (World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action), WHO (World Health Organisation) and UNICEF (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) to reach the goal of breastfeeding by mother for their baby of first six months in order to get the improved health benefits, to fulfill all vital nutrients, to encourage healthy growth and development of their child, to guard them from the lethal health problems and diseases.

Objectives of World Breastfeeding week

  • Educating mothers and raising awareness about breastfeeding.
  • Advocating flexible time for working women and encourage breastfeeding advocated to be trained to help mothers and babies.