Bcc Healthcare Branding

Public Health Awareness Campaigns

Public Health Awareness Campaigns

The price for our products and serviWe specialize in developing exclusive awareness campaigns that reach the right audience at the right time. We create campaigns that reverb, captions that linger and hitting messages that bring in actual change in the society. Our expertise in studying each market area and holding on to its pulse forms the key base on which a mega scale healthcare campaigns are built.ces are enlisted and published for you to know and verify. We don’t play the hide and seek game; we are unapologetically transparent with what will cost you what. We ensure that your bills don’t give you a shock rather put a smile on your face. We maintain standard cost to increase the ease of planning and executing a project from your perspective.

Know how we strategize campaigns that compel a change

Cultivating curiosity

Healthcare issues that are known to people or the ones people have already heard about but need that change in perspective, change in that self-driven healthcare initiative need campaigns that hit that one X-factor. To eradicate a particular issue or drastically reduce the number of medical mishaps due to ignorant public it can happen only through qwerky captions, catchy campaigns that kindle curiosity will reverb. This indeed will sow the message more deeply into your target group’s mind.

Constructing people’s voice

Public Health Awareness campaigns create the greatest impact when it is so close to what a chosen target group’s way of life. With every healthcare issue that needs a great deal of attention we command the attention from people’s side by communicating in their own voice with the flavor of nativity they own. We make the campaign so close their voice that the campaign gains an initial momentum it becomes tunes people’s voice as its own and vice versa.

Creating ripples through infotainment

Screaming a cause out aloud on platforms where your target audience aren’t actually present is perhaps not a healthy action step to make your campaign reach the right ears. But finding strategic ways that sound smart to you and fun to your target groups are instant media through which the message can reach millions.


Skits, street plays and professional theatre acts are some one the most powerful mediums through which you can spread the word with nail hitting impact.

Campaigns that trigger action to make the world a better place!

Our Public Health Awareness campaigns are constructed with a strong purpose, intention and drive to bring about a real good change in health system. Each entity of a campaign carries its own share of making the world a healthier place with healthier people.

How we sew Public Health Awareness Campaigns?

  • 360 degree awareness propaganda
  • Targeted Digital Marketing Strategies
  • Awareness Specific Content Marketing
  • SEO friendly Campaign website with fund raising portal
  • Sign boards with campaign message
  • Techno-creative Propaganda
  • Campaign souvenirs
  • Techno-creative Propaganda
  • TV Commercial
  • Educative Videos from healthcare professionals about the issue
  • Street play and other infotainment platform utilisation
  • CME Management and Promotion
  • Medical tourism outreach digital support