Is Marketing A Bad Word In Healthcare? I Don't Think So
Marketing has a Noble Responsibility!
Governments spend billions of dollars on marketing health awareness to safeguard people against deadly diseases. It’s all about the rightful use of marketing that matters. why do they depend on marketing? Because they know only through the rightful use of marketing, these life-saving messages can reach the masses in no time and save them. If one can dig deeper and understand, it is not marketing, which is bad but human greed. The real nature of marketing is pure – it has all the essentials in making good, reach people faster. Then, where have we gone wrong – its the approach that matters.
Hospitals using retail formats in marketing communication is not a welcome move; in fact, it degrades their brand when people start observing discounts, camps & master health checkups as baits, they lose faith in the hospital.
Hospital Marketing is not to create hype but to genuinely help people. No one lives in this world without needing healthcare, but what has to be understood is how you build trust with your marketing communication so that they come to you when they are in need.
This book aims to throw light on the true nature of hospital marketing, which is not revealed to hospital owners/ administrators/ marketers before in this format.
15 Strategies to Ethically Brand & Market Your Hospital

Cause Based Marketing

Personal Brand

Logo Design & Positioning


Patient Experience

Digital Marketing

Case Study

Patient Journey Mapping

International Patient



Local Marketing

Specialty Specific

Build Your Audience
