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SWOT Analysis for Hospitals and Doctors

A SWOT analysis is an effective and efficient way for doctors and hospitals to evaluate their personal brands. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats can all be considered together in a mix when looking at the big picture.
Some strengths for doctors and hospitals include experience, reputation, and resources. However, some weaknesses may be a lack of innovation, reduced attention to patient and attendant service, or outdated technology.
There are many opportunities for doctors and hospitals they can act on to take a step ahead. These include growing markets, new technologies, and developing relationships with other businesses. Threats to doctors and hospitals can come from several sources, such as changes in the healthcare industry, competition from new providers, or even natural disasters.
By performing a SWOT analysis, doctors and hospitals can become more aware of their strengths and weaknesses and identify potential opportunities and threats. This information can help them make better decisions about their personal brands and how to improve them.
We have listed down some common strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats from our experience with hundreds of healthcare brands. Read below to get a 22-point SWOT checklist for doctor and healthcare personal branding.

Get started with SWOT Analysis

List out your strong points and USPs that you think make you stand out from the crowd!
  1. What type of work do you want to accelerate doing?
  2. What is it that your team is praised for the most?
  3. What is that one purpose that excites you about your practice and motivates you to reach more people?
  4. What is the emotion behind your healthcare medical and marketing efforts?
  5. How can your strong emotions help you to achieve your final goal?
What are the points where your brand can improve? Write them down!
  1. What are the weaknesses that stand between you and your goal?
  2. Is aligning your team to your goals a big challenge you often face?
  3. Are you concentrating too much on your daily engagements?
  4. Do you ignore your negative feedback?
Do you see a way to upgrade your marketing plan? Do you have a plan to soar high? Jot them before others do.
  1. How far do you want to reach your marketing goals?
  2. Are you looking to partner with the right people who can help you achieve your goals?
  3. Are you looking to associate with the right organizations that can take you closer to your dreams?
  4. Are you considering upskilling in areas there is a big demand now and in the near future?
  5. Are you considering tech upgradation to accelerate your workflow?
  6. Are you looking at the right collaboration to scale up faster?
  7. Are you looking at innovative collaboration models which can provide easy growth?
Where do you think your brand can improve? What are the blind spots in your marketing plans, that others can highlight?
  1. Do you lack big time on mandatory skills and efforts?
  2. Do you see your patient satisfaction levels going down the hill?
  3. Is your patient count declining?
  4. Do you see nascent brands growing at an unmatchable pace compared to yours?
  5. Are you fearing stagnation or irrelevance to current patients? 
  6. Are you struggling to be digitally savvy to meet your patient’s digital demands?
A perfect balance of your strengths and opportunities and the right amount of attention to your weaknesses and threats can make your healthcare brand both- preferred and renowned! Can you identify with our list of SWOT analysis? Are there any strengths and opportunities that you want to add to your marketing focus or any weakness or threats you want to caution us for? Comment below or connect with us on our social media!

Every aspect of branding is important to allow your hospital to grow and reach the masses. Did you fill in the checklist to find out how and where you can work on your healthcare brand? Can you think of any other activities to build your personal brand? Let us know by leaving a comment or connecting with us on social media today.

Mohammed Ilias

Mohammed Ilias, Founder & Brand Strategist at BCC Healthcare, is an international healthcare branding and marketing strategist and an ethical marketer, with a presence in India & UAE. He has authored the Amazon bestseller “Ethical Hospital Branding & Marketing: 15 Proven Strategies”. With a decade of experience in the healthcare industry, he has trained 2000+ doctors on Ethical Marketing and has worked with over 200+ healthcare brands.

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